terça-feira, 20 de setembro de 2016

ESCOLHAS | SITES DE QUE GOSTAMOS | O site da «United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)»

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É verdade, o site da EPA é um dos que visitamos com frequência: com facilidade encontramos o que procuramos e, talvez seja esse o segredo da nossa «escolha», o que talvez gostemos mais é de, cumulativamente,  encontrarmos «coisas» sem procurar, e de forma atractiva. 

segunda-feira, 19 de setembro de 2016

Capital Social

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Antes já nos tínhamos referido ao Projeto subjacente à imagem  - aqui . Agora,  sobre este projeto da WBCSD veja na BCSD de Portugal:«Em breve: Protocolo do Capital Social». Donde:
«O World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) vai lançar, em dezembro de 2016, o protocolo do capital social, umaferramenta para as empresas medirem e valorarem as suas interações com as pessoas e a sociedade. O protocolo vaiidentificar as melhores práticas nesta área, evidenciar os impactos sociais positivos nas empresas e reforçar a importância de as empresas integrarem os impactos e dependências sociais no desempenho do negócio e na tomada de decisões.
O protocolo compreende cinco passos: 1. Perceber a contribuição dos temas sociais para a relevância do negócio; 2. Definir a abordagem da empresa aos temas sociais; 3. Medir; 4. Avaliar a performance; e 5. Integrar resultados». Continue a ler.

domingo, 18 de setembro de 2016


«Dear ,
Every year, around six million migratory birds stop over in Doñana, the last refuge for threatened species as the Iberian lynx and the imperial eagle - a place of unique beauty and great wildlife.
But Doñana – the largest wetland system in the European Union - is dying of thirst! 3,000 hectares of illegal farms and 1,000 illegal wells are stealing its water, and Doñana has already lost over 80% of its wetland since the beginning of the 20th century.
Please add your voice and help us save Doñana. Say NO to illegal wells and farms. Thank you!»

quinta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2016

terça-feira, 6 de setembro de 2016

«The Sustainable Development Goals as Business Opportunities»

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Do Prefácio:

These are the true “business opportunities” that the SDGs offer. They invite us to address the question: how can those of us in business contribute to the achievement of these goals as investors, entrepreneurs and executives? All of us share the need for healthy and stable economies, fair and well-governed societies, well-regulated value chains in trade, mitigation of climate change, world peace, and respect for human rights. This volume explores how the private sector can be a powerful actor in promoting the achievement of such common aims, and where it must exercise restraint. In this respect, the public good should be both the limiting factor in encouraging those who act in their own self-interest, and the goal for those who seek to act in the collective interest of society. We must avoid not only the obvious scourge of corruption in this effort, but the danger of exploitation. We must seek to not only do more good, but also ask ourselves where we can do less harm. 
Given the scale of the problems the world is facing, and the unprecedented levels of global inequality, these questions are not only important, but urgent. Business must play its part. Governments and multilateral institutions who steward resources on behalf of us all, must play their part. Regulators at local, national and international levels must play their part. Collectively we can mobilise financial resources at historic scales to implement a wide range of development efforts. Butsustainable global progress cannot be achieved through monetary means and investment alone. It is vital that capacity is strengthened in individuals and in the institutions of civil society to play a vigorous part in carrying out such a transformation, including the thoughtful regulation of business activity.
 I encourage anyone interested in development or business to read this report and to take to heart the challenges, and the opportunities, that it explores.

George Soros