terça-feira, 25 de junho de 2013

«O futuro do setor privado dependerá, cada vez mais, da habilidade do comércio de adaptar-se às mudanças do meio ambiente, além de desenvolver bens e serviços que reduzam o impacto das mudanças climáticas».

O Programa das Nações Unidas para o Meio Ambiente, Pnuma, na sexta-feira, em Nairóbi, capital do Quênia, divulgou o Relatório da imagem do qual  de seguida transcrevemos excerto do Sumário Executivo:
«G E O - 5 for B u s i n e s s
Executive Summary
Global environmental trends are creating new risks and new opportunities for businesses in everyindustry. Indeed the transition to a green economy, now in its early stages, will open up great opportunities for companies that understand the implications of these trends
and account for them in their planning and business strategy.
Conversely, companies that fail to understand the changes, or that act too slowly, will put value at risk.
GEO-5 for Business is written for business leaders who are responsible for ensuring that risks and opportunities are understood, addressed, and turned into long-term
competitive advantage for their companies. The report assesses the operational, market, reputational, and policy implications of environmental trends on ten business sectors:
• Building and construction
• Chemicals
• Electric power
• Extractives
• Finance
• Food and beverage
• Healthcare
• Information and communication technology
• Tourism
• Transportation
The report describes business risks and opportunities based on information derived from existing science, business, policy, and other literature. It also includes brief real-world examples that illustrate the nature of some of these risks and opportunities. The report contains extensive citations throughout, allowing readers to easily access source documents that provide further details on specific trends and impacts».  Continue com o Sumário Executivo . E aqui o Relatório completo
Sobre o Relatório um artigo no Mercado Ético: Agência da ONU quer que empresas se adaptem às novas realidades climáticas  donde, aliás, retirámos o «titulo» deste post. 

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