«The Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) has proposed amending its Governance Principles and Recommendations to ask listed companies to disclose how economic, environmental and social sustainability risks are being identified and managed». Continue a ler.
sexta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2013
sexta-feira, 23 de agosto de 2013
«Focus on short-term growth could undercut long term gain»
“In this corporate governance report, we say engagement between companies and shareholders needs to improve, but before you can engage successfully, you have to know what you want to achieve out of it,” Halliday said. “It appears there are two main challenges; firstly, shareholders can’t always agree on what it is they want and secondly, even if they can agree, their messages are not being communicated effectively. It’s little wonder companies can be confused and shareholders are left disappointed.”
As an example of how to approach long term sustainability versus short-term rewards, AMP Capital provided an update following the recent tragedies in the Bangladeshi garment industry where sustainable practices were overlooked for short-term reward. (...)». O artigo integral aqui.
sábado, 17 de agosto de 2013
Experimentar e Inovar nos Relatórios Anuais
Para quem não conhece aqui fica a apresentação da Accountancy Age, recorrendo à wikipedia: «is a trade magazine for accountants and financial staff in the United Kingdom. After running from 1969 to 2011 with a circulation of over 60,000 in print, it changed with effect from May 2011 to an online-only publication.
As of March 2012[update] it changed from a free publication to require a paid subscription for unlimited access to the site. A limited number of pages may be visited without charge». +
E isto apenas para chamar a atenção para o artigo Integrated reporting nudges closer with new FRC guidance, publicado no magazine, que nos leva por seu lado ao Strategic Report and Directors’ Report | 2013 do Reino Unido, e que nos mostra como se está a institucionalizar, cada vez mais, conteudos para além do financeiro e de natureza estratégica. Noo artigo da AccountancyAge podemos ler:
The FRC encourages companies to experiment and be innovative in drafting annual reports, presenting narrative information in a way that allows them to communicate company strategy to investors concisely; linking related information in a fair, balanced and understandable way.
The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), which hopes to create better narrative reporting that is inclusive of social economic costs has welcomed the guidance.
E para quando um debate alargado sobre todas estas matérias no nosso País ? Como nestas coisas não se podem «queimar etapas», está mesmo a ver-se que vamos andar sempre atrasados ... Espero estar enganada.
sexta-feira, 16 de agosto de 2013
«Deutsche Börse joins Integrated Reporting pilot programme»
Como já temos divulgado no Iscal é Verde, o <IR> está a ser desenvovlido através de um processo que poderíamos apelidar de «investigação-ação», recorrendo nomeadamente a um programa piloto. Ora, é neste contexto que, em diversos sítios, se dá conta de uma nova adesão. Por exemplo, aqui, donde retirámos:
«Deutsche Börse Group has joined the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) Pilot Programme Business Network and will become the first stock exchange to join the IIRC Pilot Programme.
The Pilot Programme tests the IIRC’s Integrated Reporting (IR) framework, which provides organisations with guidance on how to present material financial and non-financial information about strategy, governance, performance. Participants in the Pilot Programme test the IR framework by applying it to their disclosure reports.» Continue a ler.
Mas aproveite-se mais este post sobre o <IR> para divulgarmos um publicado já em 2011 - The integrated future: Integrated reporting, financial analysis and auditing | Written by Susan Blesener, Director of Accountability, Novo Nordisk. - onde volto com alguma frequência, e onde se pode ler: «As more and more companies are integrating their reporting””combining financial and non-financial performance in a single document””it makes sense to ask when investment analysts will begin to fully integrate environmental, social and governance indicators into financial models and when auditors and assurance providers will partner to create integrated reporting verification». Continue no artigo integral, no
e onde se pode ver a imagem seguinte, bastante ilustrativa, com a legenda que apresentamos:
«For integrated reporting to have maximum impact, it needs to be verified in an integrated way and assessed on an integrated basis. Image sourced from http://www.flickr.com/photos/olbr/»
É um esquema, mas faz sentido assinalar como às dimensões «clássicas» - ECONOMIA, SOCIAL, AMBIENTE - se juntava já GOVERNANÇA.
domingo, 11 de agosto de 2013
«The Future of Sustainability Reporting» | 06 September 2013 | Berlin
«Sustainability Reporting is experiencing an exciting year in 2013. In April, the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) has released the Draft Framework for Integrated Reporting with the objective to launch Version 1 of the Framework by end of the year. At the end of May the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has released G4. Furthermore, the developments around the sector-specific indicator family of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the development process of the principles and indicators of the Global Initiative for Sustainability Ratings (GISR) are relevant to the development of sustainability reporting.
Besides these short- and mid-term developments from the perspective of standard setting, political framing, best practices from corporates, and new initiatives around the internalization of external costs into ‘true pricing’ as well as the needed and aligned change of taxation systems towards a ‘sustainable’ economic model are of growing interest and importance. How will sustainability reports and integrated reports react to these new themes, or possibly even support their further development?»
sexta-feira, 9 de agosto de 2013
«Global Investor Survey on Climate Change»
quinta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2013
Cozinha Ecológica
Tirada daqui, do GREENSAVERS
«Os designers espanhóis Alessandra Samson e Paco Serinelli, da empresa Anatomica Design, transformaram antigas paletes de madeira numa cozinha ecológica de estilo rústico. Apelidada de Paletina, a estrutura é feita de paletes recicladas e outros materiais encontrados nas ruas de Barcelona.
Ao incluir um fogão, um forno, um lava-louças e canalização, este design torna-se numa cozinha totalmente eficiente». Continue a ler.
quinta-feira, 1 de agosto de 2013
Relatório Integrado na Direção Certa | Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
The International Integrated Reporting Council has announced new integrated reporting framework.
The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) has described the move as a “step in the right direction”, but the group noted that plans must be developed further.
It has carried out its own research, entitled Understanding Investors: directions for corporate reporting, which has illustrated that a number of stakeholders would embrace integrated reporting.Among the benefits that the technology could offer are a focus on the long term, a better understanding of risks to business models and wider insights into how corporate value is created, according to ACCA. (...)». Leia o post na integra - ACCA: Long term focus onframework is positive
The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) has described the move as a “step in the right direction”, but the group noted that plans must be developed further.
It has carried out its own research, entitled Understanding Investors: directions for corporate reporting, which has illustrated that a number of stakeholders would embrace integrated reporting.Among the benefits that the technology could offer are a focus on the long term, a better understanding of risks to business models and wider insights into how corporate value is created, according to ACCA. (...)». Leia o post na integra - ACCA: Long term focus on
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