terça-feira, 10 de março de 2015

A Auditoria na Agenda do Desenvolvimento Pós-2015

i) making use of audit findings on the MDGs and lessons learnt in order to provide practical recommendations for the establishment and running the new systems for monitoring and evaluating the SDGs,
Recognise that a key challenge for the success of the SDGs is the setting of baselines and provisions of regular monitoring information on the progress made towards the related targets. Effective monitoring will not only allow success to be measured and communicated, but also to identify where progress is insufficient and additional efforts are required. Effective monitoring requires appropropriate systems following a common measurement approach, which is consistently and reliably applied. (...)».

(Das Conclusões e recomendações do 
Simpósio que teve lugar de  2 a 4 de Março de 2015 em Viena 
de iniciativa  da Supreme Audit Institutions - SAIs)

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