quarta-feira, 22 de julho de 2015

«THE FUTURE OF REPORTING From Routine to Strategic»

I. Strategic Alignment Integrating business and sustainability strategies 

The Routine to Strategic Reporting Map illustrates the journey that companies typically take from the status quo of tried-and-tested, technical reports to using a suite of strategic solutions to meet their communications needs. The backdrop to this shift over the last twenty years is a series of trends that we call the Drivers of Change. These drivers are crucial because they don’t just explain the past: they are trends that we believe every business will have to tackle in the years ahead as they think about how to engage with audiences on their role in society. In recent years, company executives and investors have developed a heightened awareness of the impact that responsible and sustainable business practices can have on financial performance and corporate reputation – from developing the right products and services through to building brands and motivating talent. This is about much more than reputation. Companies are seeking to demonstrate that integrating sustainability into their business can help with cost-efficiencies, risk management, creative innovation and long-term growth. In parallel, departments responsible for corporate responsibility and sustainability are increasingly under pressure to justify their activities in financial terms. They are not immune from having to demonstrate a business case for their activities in order to secure business resources. As a result, different ways of communicating how companies go about approaching this integration and harnessing the benefits are starting to emerge. These include: Environmental Profit and Loss Accounts; Total Impact or Contribution Reporting; Sustainability Plans; and Integrated Reporting. (...)».

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