segunda-feira, 30 de novembro de 2015
sexta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2015
PARIS |cop 21|2015 |30 NOV a 11 DEZ
Recorte da Revista Visão desta semana que faz uma boa síntese
do que está em causa na COP 21
quinta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2015
Human rights are a growing concern amongst global investors. As investing becomes more transparent, owning companies that breach global conventions on human rights carries greater reputational risk, which can potentially have a material impact on company earnings and portfolio returns. Human rights violations, supply chain issues and modern slavery are just some of the key issues facing investors. (...)». +
terça-feira, 24 de novembro de 2015
quinta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2015
«Business as usual is dead»
Leia Aqui |
E do post da imagem (destaques nossos):«However, I believe that business leaders who believe that they can continue to operate as they always have done, and treat natural resources as free and unlimited are blind, cynical, or downright crazy.
Business as usual is dead.
In today’s world, resources are becoming scarce, levels of biodiversity are declining, pollution is growing and waste is piling up. The negative effects of GHG are already being felt. Climate change and its consequences are increasingly threatening populations, our future and that of the coming generations.
The irony, however, is that technology exists and funding is available to provide solutions. At the same time, governments go from one environmental discussion to another, but nothing really changes or at least not fast enough. The problem is that we cannot only depend on governments – they are bogged down by a plethora of complex political, economic and social stakes».
sábado, 7 de novembro de 2015
quarta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2015
WEBCAST | «Paris and Beyond: What’s the Business Opportunity at COP21?» | 12 NOVEMBRO 2015
«Next month’s COP21 United Nations climate summit in Paris is shaping up to be a landmark event, with more than 40,000 political, business and activist leaders expected from around the world. It is expected to produce a global compact to address climate change — and, in fact, is seen by many as the last great hope for doing so.
How should the private sector engage? What are the various roles, responsibilities and opportunities for companies to participate — either directly in Paris or virtually through other means? How should what happens in Paris inform company activities to address climate change in 2016 and beyond?». Continue a ler.
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