quinta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2016

«Knowledge Brokerage for Sustainable Development»

«This book is a rich and valuable contribution to policy making in the context of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. It supports the scientific, administrative and policy-making communities in the formation of the key questions and answers, and in bringing these sectors together to co-operate in making sustainable development a reality and to co-evolve by mutual learning».
Jörg Mayer-Ries, German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety

quarta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2016

VICTOR LOURO|«A FLORESTA EM PORTUGAL/Um apelo à inquietação cívica»

«Uma análise sobre a problemática das florestas.
Este livro foi escrito em torno de duas ideias centrais:
1) aproximar a problemática da floresta em Portugal do público curioso e minimamente interessado;
2) fazer uma leitura da floresta sob pontos de vista diversos dos habitualmente usados.
Por isso não é um livro técnico nem, muito menos, científico. Contudo, recorre a alguma investigação realizada durante a sua elaboração. E contém alguma memória pessoal, embora com o cuidado de não ser autobiográfico, pois o autor viveu muitas experiências ao longo da sua vida profissional que o convenceram da insuficiência dos conhecimentos com que são comummente tratados os assuntos relativos à floresta, e sobretudo dos enviesamentos que tantas vezes deformam as análises, submetidas, ainda que inconscientemente, a pensamentos viciados.
É um livro que pretende questionar, explicar e até desvendar, sem cair na tentação de dar respostas: cada leitor encontrará as suas». Saiba mais.

segunda-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2016

«Valuation of Forest Ecosystems and Their Services»

 no site do Natural Capital Coalition
In addition, forests also perform regulatory functions such as flood control, climate amelioration, air and water quality regulation, pest and disease control and supporting services such as pollination, seed dispersal, nutrient cycling and primary production of foods mostly by fixing carbon dioxide that is available in the atmosphere. Likewise, they also provide invaluable cultural services such as spiritual, aesthetic, recreational and educational values for the wholesome well-being of humans and all other living organisms. Yet today, all these life-sustaining systems, collectively known as ecosystem services, provided by forests and other such landscapes are largely taken for granted and perceived as public benefits or ‘free lunches’ in modern society’s balance sheet. Despite being fundamental to the well-being of human societies, critical contribution of ecosystem services have hitherto been overlooked in public, corporate and individual decision making processes, primarily because they are public services rendered by Mother Nature free of charge…”». Leia na integra.

quarta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2016

ROBERT CROCKER | «Somebody Else’s Problem»

«Consumerism promises a shortcut to a 'better' life through the accumulation of certain fashionable goods and experiences. Over recent decades, this has resulted in a rising tide of cheap, short-lived goods produced, used and discarded in increasingly rapid cycles, along the way depleting resources and degrading environmental systems.
Somebody Else’s Problem calls for a radical change in how we think about our material world, and how we design, make and use the products and services we need. Rejecting the idea that individuals alone are responsible for the environmental problems we face, it challenges us to look again at the systems, norms and values we take for granted in daily life, and their cumulative role in our environmental crisis.
Robert Crocker presents an overview of the main forces giving rise to modern consumerism, looks closely at today’s accelerating consumption patterns and asks why older, more ‘custodial’ patterns of consumption are in decline. Avoiding simplistic quick-fix formulas, the book explores recommendations for new ways of designing, making and using goods and services that can reduce our excess consumption, but still contribute to a good and meaningful life». +.

domingo, 27 de novembro de 2016


«This report presents an updated overview and analysis of air quality in Europe. It is focused in the state in 2015 and the development from 2004 to 2015. It reviews progress towards meeting the requirements of the air quality directives. An overview of the latest findings and estimates of the effects of air pollution on health and its impacts on ecosystems is also given».

A propósito do relatório:

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«Sustainable Development Goals: Are the rich countries ready?»

sexta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2016

« how to achieve ‘integrated thinking’ across governance, strategy, performance and future prospects and how this translates into a narrative that facilitates informed investment decision making»

«On 6-7 December 2016 the International Integrated Reporting Council, in partnership with the International Corporate Governance Network, is hosting a conference that will address how to properly integrate the consideration of long term value drivers in pursuing the success of companies – ultimately contributing to a more sustainable capital market system.
The conference will be held at the Tower Hotel, London, reserve your place now by registering here.
Highly experienced commentators from corporate boards, management, investment, audit and assurance will share their perspectives on how to achieve ‘integrated thinking’ across governance, strategy, performance and future prospects and how this translates into a narrative that facilitates informed investment decision making». Saiba mais.

segunda-feira, 14 de novembro de 2016


«En parallèle avec les négociations, la COP22 accueille un grand nombre d'événements et d’expositions, s’articulant tous autour du changement climatique. Initiée par l’Association Arkane Maroc, "ArtCOP22" est une exposition inédite de tableaux, sculptures, photos et installations dans la zone verte réservée à la société civile à Bab Ighli. 
L’occasion pour des artistes venus des cinq continents d’exprimer leur vision du changement, et faire part de leurs propositions face au défi climatique» . Saiba mais. 

«The following multi-disciplinary workshops are held for artists : painting, photography, video art, screen-printing, monotype, engraving, plants, etc. Artist invited in residence are selected as follows, their talent, their creativity, and the engagement on the artistic scene.
Arkane Africa campaigns for Art and all forms of free artistic expression. For the Occasion of COP22, it has formed a coalition of artists, and international arts associations, with the objective of creating a large-scale, artistic event in the civil society zone area. Combining the international exhibition “World Art Coop Expressions” (WACE) with the second stage of the second edition of Arkane Africa.
Visitors can admire works from over 50 artists from the continent of Africa (South Africa, Algeria, Benin, Burkina, Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, etc.)
The artists, known and emerging, present a selection of contemporary art raising public awareness around climate questions showing the size and scale of the continent.
This exhibition is a veritable ecological and artistic tribute, whose ambition is to contribute to raising conscience and emancipating of humanity.
Paintings, sculptures, photographs….One would like to get lost in the this 500m2 labyrinthe, and discover at each turn works that speak through their aesthetic or message». Tirada daqui.

quarta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2016

«How Integrated Reporting Is Changing The Role Of The Accounting Profession»

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«Accounting for Sustainability |Guidance for Higher Education Institutions»

Disponível aqui.

O estudo é de 2003 mas, a nosso ver,  ganha-se em voltar a ele. De facto:
«The purpose of this publication is to provide an introduction to techniques that enable non-financial (ie environmental and social) considerations to be integrated into traditional financial accounts. Trials of techniques for integrating environmental considerations into traditional accounts have been under way for some years. Methods for broadening these techniques to include social and other non-financial considerations is at an early stage. Sustainability accounting embraces social, economic and environmental dimensions, and strives to address all three dimensions at the same time. Achieving sustainable development means progressing all the dimensions together. Recognising the pioneering nature of this work, and in accordance with the statement of recommended practice (SORP) for higher education, this guide explores the latest thinking about sustainability resource flows, assets and liabilities and offers guidance on implementing sustainability accounting in higher education». 

terça-feira, 1 de novembro de 2016

«Before the Flood»

Sobre o Documentário:

Documentário de Leonardo DiCaprio sobre alterações climáticas faz sucesso na Internet

sexta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2016

«Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership»

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«We are an institution within the University of Cambridge

Across complex and connected issues, we challenge, inform and support leaders from business and policy to deliver change towards sustainability.
We help influential individuals, major organisations and whole sectors develop strategies that reconcile profitability and sustainability and to work collaboratively with their peers not only to develop solutions to shared challenges but also catalyse real systems change». 
E do muito que no site do Instituto se pode ver e aprender:

Veja aqui.

quarta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2016

LUISA SCHMIDT | «Portugal: Ambientes de Mudança» | LANÇAMENTO | 2 NOV 2016 | 19:00H | CCB | LISBOA

Ao longo destes 26 anos, alguns problemas ambientais revelam uma inquietante persistência na sociedade portuguesa: saneamento básico, poluição dos rios, ocupação do litoral, de bons solos agrícolas e de áreas naturais, suburbanização imparável, grandes incêndios são problemas que nunca saem da agenda por nunca se chegarem a resolver. 

Organizado em nove grandes temas - «Águas, esgotos e tratamento», «Resíduos: urbanos, industriais, hospitalares»; «Ares, poluições e saúde pública», «Alterações climáticas, das emissões às políticas», «Energias, das clássicas às renováveis», «Ordenamento do território e paisagem», «Conservação da natureza, floresta e biodiversidade», «Litoral e o mar» e «Cidadania, participação e informação» - este livro explica-nos o que melhorou, o que se mantém e o que piorou em matéria de ambiente em Portugal. Saiba mais.

.  .


sexta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2016


Pode ler aqui

O artigo de opinião a que se refere a imagem é, a nosso ver,  um excelente ponto de partida para se discutir a evolução da «Responsabilidade Social Empresarial»  e refletir o conceito à luz dos novos paradigmas de gestão inerentes ao DESENVOLVIMENTO SUSTENTÁVEL  que reclama  «no business as usual». Ora, a responsabilidade social nasceu no «business» que agora se nega.  Resumindo, por agora, novas equações são necessárias e de maneira a que possam ser apropriadas de forma generalizada. Voltando ao principio, que bom artigo para se fazer o que ainda não foi feito: refletir, de forma continuada,  a SUSTENTABILIDADE, e o «social» dentro dela. A par do «ambiente», da «economia», «da «governança», da «cultura».   
A propósito, em breve, vai ter lugar, em Espanha, um encontro - em que o ISCAL também está envolvido - sobre  a temática:

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E já agora, quem segue estas matérias lembrar-se-à que o colocado no artigo desde início que está presente. Ou seja, desde sempre, que houve quem fosse «a favor», ou «contra» a Responsabilidade Social na esfera do mundo dos negócios. E todos, cada um a seu modo,  se bem se ler, por razões «igualmente boas».  Melhor, respeitáveis.

sexta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2016

«olhem para o que dizemos e para o que fazemos»

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Ao vermos o Relatório Integrado da IIRC de 2015 - a que se refere a imagem - lembramos o velho ditado «olha para o que eu digo, mas não olhes para o que faço», embora na circunstância  seja precisamente o contrário. As palavras são deles, dos  líderes da IIRC, e podem ser lidas no relatório:
«We are pleased to communicate the IIRC’s annual performance, for the first time, in the form of an integrated report. As part of our market-based philosophy, our Board and Council believe it is important that we follow the principles we advocate».
A estrutura:

quinta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2016

COP 22

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«Why does COP matter?
Last year’s COP21 in Paris proved historic, as a legally binding global climate target was agreed by all 196 member parties with the aim of capping climate change well below two degrees of warming.

This successful outcome provides the market certainty required to begin to drive a global low carbon transition. $100 billion has been pledged annually to support this process in developing countries, boosting the opportunities for innovation where climate change mitigation and adaptation is most urgently required.
Countries are now tasked with developing strong low carbon strategies, driving the partnerships and funding opportunities  to accelerate this transition.
COP22 - this year taking place in Marrakech, Morocco, represents the first COP at which these pathways will begin to be identified, providing a platform for cross sector stakeholders to come together to build the future - join us by applying for your place at the Sustainable Innovation Forum here».

terça-feira, 20 de setembro de 2016

ESCOLHAS | SITES DE QUE GOSTAMOS | O site da «United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)»

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É verdade, o site da EPA é um dos que visitamos com frequência: com facilidade encontramos o que procuramos e, talvez seja esse o segredo da nossa «escolha», o que talvez gostemos mais é de, cumulativamente,  encontrarmos «coisas» sem procurar, e de forma atractiva. 

segunda-feira, 19 de setembro de 2016

Capital Social

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Antes já nos tínhamos referido ao Projeto subjacente à imagem  - aqui . Agora,  sobre este projeto da WBCSD veja na BCSD de Portugal:«Em breve: Protocolo do Capital Social». Donde:
«O World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) vai lançar, em dezembro de 2016, o protocolo do capital social, umaferramenta para as empresas medirem e valorarem as suas interações com as pessoas e a sociedade. O protocolo vaiidentificar as melhores práticas nesta área, evidenciar os impactos sociais positivos nas empresas e reforçar a importância de as empresas integrarem os impactos e dependências sociais no desempenho do negócio e na tomada de decisões.
O protocolo compreende cinco passos: 1. Perceber a contribuição dos temas sociais para a relevância do negócio; 2. Definir a abordagem da empresa aos temas sociais; 3. Medir; 4. Avaliar a performance; e 5. Integrar resultados». Continue a ler.

domingo, 18 de setembro de 2016


«Dear ,
Every year, around six million migratory birds stop over in Doñana, the last refuge for threatened species as the Iberian lynx and the imperial eagle - a place of unique beauty and great wildlife.
But Doñana – the largest wetland system in the European Union - is dying of thirst! 3,000 hectares of illegal farms and 1,000 illegal wells are stealing its water, and Doñana has already lost over 80% of its wetland since the beginning of the 20th century.
Please add your voice and help us save Doñana. Say NO to illegal wells and farms. Thank you!»

quinta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2016

terça-feira, 6 de setembro de 2016

«The Sustainable Development Goals as Business Opportunities»

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Do Prefácio:

These are the true “business opportunities” that the SDGs offer. They invite us to address the question: how can those of us in business contribute to the achievement of these goals as investors, entrepreneurs and executives? All of us share the need for healthy and stable economies, fair and well-governed societies, well-regulated value chains in trade, mitigation of climate change, world peace, and respect for human rights. This volume explores how the private sector can be a powerful actor in promoting the achievement of such common aims, and where it must exercise restraint. In this respect, the public good should be both the limiting factor in encouraging those who act in their own self-interest, and the goal for those who seek to act in the collective interest of society. We must avoid not only the obvious scourge of corruption in this effort, but the danger of exploitation. We must seek to not only do more good, but also ask ourselves where we can do less harm. 
Given the scale of the problems the world is facing, and the unprecedented levels of global inequality, these questions are not only important, but urgent. Business must play its part. Governments and multilateral institutions who steward resources on behalf of us all, must play their part. Regulators at local, national and international levels must play their part. Collectively we can mobilise financial resources at historic scales to implement a wide range of development efforts. Butsustainable global progress cannot be achieved through monetary means and investment alone. It is vital that capacity is strengthened in individuals and in the institutions of civil society to play a vigorous part in carrying out such a transformation, including the thoughtful regulation of business activity.
 I encourage anyone interested in development or business to read this report and to take to heart the challenges, and the opportunities, that it explores.

George Soros

quarta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2016

BSR Conference | «devoted to sustainability»

Aqui o site da conferência


The theme for the BSR Conference 2016 is BE BOLD. The challenges of building a sustainable future are immense and will require collaborative, innovative thinking from all sectors of society. There are substantial opportunities to build inclusive, sustainable economies through business leadership and partnership—and we know that we won’t achieve these goals unless we think big—and think bold. At #BSR16, we’ll hear compelling stories from companies, foundations, big thinkers, and creative doers who have made big bets in the service of building a better world».
.   .

Em particular: veja como a Conferência, ela mesma, procura ser sustentável; e como o relato da sustentabilidade tem espaço de destaque na agenda:


segunda-feira, 22 de agosto de 2016


«Cities are the world’s future. Today, more than half of the global population—3.9 billion people—are urban dwellers and that number is expected to double by 2050. There is no question cities are growing; the only debate is over how they will grow. Will we invest in the physical and social infrastructure necessary for livable, equitable, and sustainable cities? 
In the latest edition of State of the World, the flagship publication of the Worldwatch Institute, experts from around the globe examine the core principles of sustainable urbanism and profile cities that are putting them into practice.
Can a City Be Sustainable? first puts our current moment in context, tracing cities in the arc of human history. It also examines the basic structural elements of every city: materials and fuels; people and economics; and biodiversity. In the book's City Views, professionals working on some of the world’s most inventive urban sustainability projects share their first-hand experience. Success stories come from places as diverse as Ahmedabad, India; Freiburg, Germany; and Shanghai, China. In many cases, local people are acting to improve their cities, even when national efforts are stalled. 
The book also examines cross-cutting issues that affect the success of all cities. Topics range from the nitty-gritty of handling waste and developing public transportation to civic participation and navigating dysfunctional government.
Throughout, readers discover the most pressing challenges facing communities and the most promising solutions currently being developed. The result is a snapshot of cities today and a vision for global urban sustainability tomorrow».

quinta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2016

EXPOSIÇÃO | «Segunda Natureza»

Luísa Correia Pereira,
 Divers chemins avec une forêt au centre, 1970.
 Coleção de Arte Fundação EDP.

«O tema essencial de Segunda Natureza é precisamente a noção de que, por muito que a «economia da experiência» tente convencer-nos do contrário, há muito que perdemos a possibilidade de vivenciar e aperceber a Natureza no seu estado virginal. A Natureza passou a integrar a cultura e a ser vista apenas através das lentes da cultura. Através das suas descrições e representações, os artistas foram talvez os primeiros a entender a Natureza como um sujeito essencialmente produzido pelo homem – um sujeito a ser capturado, filtrado e reinventado através de meios técnicos que se estendem, muito para além das ferramentas agrícolas ou paisagísticas, dos aparelhos fotográficos às práticas da pintura e escultura. – Pedro Gadanho (excerto do texto publicado no catálogo da exposição).(...). Continue a ler.

terça-feira, 16 de agosto de 2016

«Making Sustainability Reporting Work for Investors and Companies»

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O nosso destaque:

Notwithstanding the title of a recent book regarding the future of accounting, excerpted in the Wall Street Journal, accounting is not dead, and financial information and analysis remains critically important. However, investors need better disclosure in respect of sustainability matters, and under current reporting systems companies have the ability to provide what investors need. The SEC has acknowledged the need for disclosure to evolve in this area. In its long-awaited recent Concept Release regarding disclosure effectiveness, currently open for public comment, the SEC asks “which, if any, sustainability and public policy disclosures are important to an understanding of a registrant’s business and financial condition and whether there are considerations that make these disclosures important to investment and voting decisions.” (...)».