Veja o site sobre «SAP Integrated Report 2012», onde está disponível o relatório, ele mesmo, e não só. Pode ler, por exemplo, a resposta a «Why Integrated Reporting?». Começa assim: This year, for the first time, we are publishing an integrated report –
meaning that we are combining the SAP Annual Report and the SAP Sustainability Report, which enables us to highlight the
connections between our financial and non-financial performance. We believe that
this shift holds both practical and symbolic importance. First, we are signaling
that the business landscape has changed, and the information needed to evaluate
performance must change with it. Considering our past financial results and our
financial outlook alone does not adequately capture our ability to respond to
today’s challenges or how we create value. Instead, our future success hinges on
how well we holistically navigate the social, environmental, and economic
contexts in which we operate. Leia mais.
E oportuno este post: SAP’s Integrated Reporting is a Big Success
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